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Tenant Portal App

View the Tenant Occupancy Report

The Tenant Occupancy Report is available from the Compliance Periods page in the Tenant Portal.

The report includes a list of all units, active and inactive, for the selected property and the most recent tenant event where the Event Date is equal to or prior to the selected As of Date.


ProLink must turn on the functionality in the agency's environments for the report to be available. The agency should contact Support to learn more.

  1. Navigate to the Tenant Portal Compliance Periods page.

  2. The As Of Date defaults to the current date. Change the date, if necessary.

  3. Click Tenant Event Occupancy Report.

    The system downloads the Microsoft Excel report file.


    File name example (includes the occupancy percentage for all units for the report): Occupancy Report for Garden Court (HFA #1234) As of 6/5/2025 with an Occupancy Rate of 98.88%.xlsx

Table 1. Tenant Occupancy Report Details



Property Name

Property name

Building Name

Building name


Agency ID for the property

Unit #

Unit number

As of Date Status

If the last tenant event was a Transfer Out or Move Out, or there are no tenant events since the As of Date for the unit, the report displays "Vacant." Otherwise, the report displays "Occupied."

Number of Days Vacant

When the unit is vacant, the report shows the calculated value that uses the last move out date for the unit and the As of Date of the report. If the unit has never been occupied, the report shows Never Occupied. When the unit is not vacant, the report column will not be populated.

# of Bedrooms

Number of bedrooms

# of Bathrooms

Number of bathrooms

Square Footage of Unit

Unit square footage

Unit Type

For example, Low Income, Market, Employee. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.


The program(s) associated to the unit.

HOME Unit Type

If the unit is HOME, the report displays "High" or "Low." Otherwise, the field is blank.

Move In/Initial Cert Date

The Initial Move-In Date/Initial Certification Date for the tenant event.

Last Event Type

For example, Move In, Move Out, Recertification. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.

Last Event Date

The most recent tenant event date for the unit. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.

Transfer Building

If the last tenant event was a Transfer Out, the report displays the building the tenant transferred to. If the last tenant event was a Transfer In, the report displays the building the tenant transferred from. Otherwise, the field is blank.

Transfer Unit

If the last tenant event was a Transfer Out, the report displays the unit the tenant transferred to. If the last tenant event was a Transfer In, the report displays the unit the tenant transferred from. Otherwise, the field is blank.

Head of Household Name

The name of the head of household for the tenant event. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.

Birthdate of Head of Household

The date of birth of the head of household for the tenant event. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.

Total Household Members

The number of household members for the tenant event. If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.

Total Children

The number of household members with a relationship of Child - Dependent, Child - Non-Dependent, Foster Child/Foster Adult, or Unborn Child/Anticipated Adoption.

Student Status

The report displays "Yes" if any household members are marked as Full Time Students. Otherwise, the field is blank.

Full Student Exception

The Full Time Student Exception value for the LIHTC program on the tenant event.

Income at Move-In/Initial Cert

The snapshot value of income at move-in/initial certification.

Total Household Income

The total household member income plus any annual income from assets.

Total Eligible Household Income

The total household member income minus income for Live-In Aide, Foster Child/Adult and Pending Foster (for events on or after the agency's HOTMA Effective Date), and None of the Above household members.


The HOTMA Effective Date is a ProLink-only system configuration that defines the agency's enforcement date for the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) rules. The default is July 1, 2025.


The latest date for HOTMA LIHTC compliance is 7/1/2025. The latest date for HOTMA HOME compliance is 1/1/2026. Agencies should use the earliest acceptable date for the program(s) monitored for the HOTMA Effective Date.

Gross Rent

Tenant Paid Rent + Utility Allowance + Other Non-Optional Charges.

Tenant Rent Portion

User-entered value for the Tenant Rent Portion.

Utility Allowance

User-entered value for the Utility Allowance.

Non Optional Charges

User-entered value for the Non Optional Charges.

Federal Rental Assistance Amount

User-entered value for the Federal Assistance Amount.

Federal Rental Assistance Source

User-entered value for the Federal Rental Assistance Source.

Non Federal Rental Assistance Amount

User-entered value for the Non Federal Rental Assistance Amount.

Non Federal Assistance Source

User-entered value for the Non Federal Assistance Source.

Special Needs

User-entered value for Special Needs.

Most Restrictive Income Designation

User-entered value for the Most Restrictive Income Designation.

Most Restrictive Rent Designation

User-entered value for the Most Restrictive Rent Designation.

Date Updated

The most recent date updated value from the tenant event records (main tenant event, household income, household income from assets, household member). If no tenant events exist for the unit, the field is blank.